Sunday, January 19, 2014

Vocal rest

Shirt by Alyssa Brode Design!

It is day 3 since treatment on Friday (I call Sunday Day 3...) and as usual, this is the day that I have a sore throat and what feels like an empty stomach, although today I did have a good appetite. Also, I have some aches from the Neulasta shot given the day after chemotherapy. Today is a day I just stay in bed or on the couch doing mindless activities. I am reading Life of Pi though, which I'm enjoying. (I just started- no spoilers!) Today is also a day I try not to cry because my larynx feels so high and it hurts when I get choked up, because it literally feels like I'm choking!

But I don't have anything to cry about today. I had a great visit today from Christina and I can't say enough how much I love this girl and treasure our (almost 20 year) friendship. Now that she lives far out in PA, I enjoy every minute I get to spend with her!

My sister went back to college today. I start school on Wednesday, but I have the best schedule ever. Two online half-semester courses, one in-person class half-semester course (done in March) and a full semester PIANO course! I'm so excited! Since I will be finished with my required speech courses, I figured why not pick up a piano elective! I've been wanting to play again and now is my chance. 

Oh also this Tuesday, I am interviewing for my "dream" internship to take place in the fall. I'm going to spend a day observing and interview at the end of the day. 

And two more big things... 1. I am halfway through my treatments!!! 2. I still have my hair!! I never imagined I would hang into it for this long. Crossing fingers it will just thin out and I won't need to wear a wig, but if I do, that's okay too. I've got a great one picked out. 

Thanks for reading and have a great week. 


  1. Amazing post, as always. For some reason my feed was not showing me your posts the last week or so!!! You are so beautiful and brave and thank you for sharing your experience, lady. <3 <3
