Monday, January 6, 2014

Chemo small talk

Here I am, sitting for my fifth treatment (which really equals the beginning of my third cycle, but I like counting it out of 12 actual appointments). A woman next to me started to strike up conversation with me about the soap opera playing in the room. We chatted a little bit, she told me where I could find magazines, and just finished with her treatment. She left me with "keep your chin up and take it day by day." 

Friends and family who have gone through chemotherapy or know someone who had, have told me that I would make friends with the people I would be at chemotherapy with, but honestly, I haven't recognized anyone who is here the same time as me (plus the room is usually empty) and don't really know what appropriate "chemotherapy etiquette" is. Is it appropriate to ask where they are in treatments? What kind of cancer they have? How often do they come for treatments? I wouldn't mind if someone asked me those questions, but I am not ready to be the "asker" myself. (I can't think of a better word than "asker"- could be the meds?).

I've been very willing to share my experiences with others, but I'm not sure why it feels different with other patients with cancer. I almost feel like I'm not one of them-  my supervisor at my GA tells me I'm going through this like no one else she's ever seen with cancer. It's a combination of my attitude, general health, and haven't even lost my hair (yet)! I feel lousy the first few days after a treatment, but for the remainder of the week until my next treatment, I feel normal! (With the exception that I've been lazy over winter break- but hey, it is break after all.)

So, this is the beginning of the third cycle and there are six cycles. (AKA fifth treatment out of twelve.) My nurse practitioner said if I haven't lost my hair in clumps, then it won't happen that way. My hair, particularly unwanted facial hair, has always been stubborn, so maybe this is a good sign. 

The results of my CT scan last week are in: Chest looks "considerably improved" and swelling of spleen is "markedly reduced." This is great news! But we continue with the same regimen. 6 cycles, 12 appointments. Almost halfway there. 

And now I will drift off to a happy place...but before I do, I just want to thank everyone who has been following my blog and sending their love and support. Thank you!!! Zzzzz :)

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