Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fourth Treatment

...means I'm 1/4... No! 1/3 of the way through treatments!

I was feeling much more anxious and emotional before (and after) this one. I left work Friday at noon and just burst out into tears for no reason at all, other than I was happy because I have wonderful coworkers and a supportive supervisor and sad probably because I had to go back for treatment, after being away for nearly a week and a half.

The doctor was surprised once again that I have my hair. I gained 3 pounds! They gave me Ativan through my IV which made me lightheaded and sleepy, so I slept for about an hour of treatment. I was so sluggish and still feeling emotional, so I decided not to head out to my friends' quartet gig at a local Starbucks. I did get a recording and they sounded great! Hopefully their next gig isn't right after a treatment. I feel pretty lousy the first few days afterwards. I don't get sick, but usually have this weird feeling usually in my mouth and throat. (The doctor said dry throat is normal with this chemotherapy. I am tracking this on a calendar, and I'm interested to see if the dry/tight throat pattern continues on Day 3-4 of this round). I also missed out on a rehearsal at the Stevenson's church for their annual Christmas Cantata tomorrow morning, but I will be going to their annual Ceilidh gathering this evening with my family! They are like family to me and I love this party every Christmas!

I still have some leftover school work to do for my first half semester and thesis, but I will have plenty of time after the holidays.

Is anyone traveling for the holidays this year?

1 comment:

  1. All I want to do reading this is hug you!!! You are so brave and positive, no matter what, and it's a constant inspiration to hear your updates. Can't wait to see you soon Gillybean. xoxoxox
