I just spent the afternoon reading the blog I kept throughout my treatments and I'm now thinking: "how the heck did I get through that and now it's two years later?" Reading through the blog, I have an urge to edit things I wrote. Was I too positive? But I know I can't change the past. Those are my words, my journal that I shared with you. I was positive so that I would keep myself positive and to keep all of you positive. I had cancer, but staying in good spirits throughout my journey was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.
These past two years have been a whirlwind. It's like I blinked, and suddenly, I'm here--BAM--it's been two years after receiving that diagnosis. So many things have happened in those two years. Things I love, things I hate, things I remember, things I forget, things I regret-- But I can't change the past.
This summer was the craziest whirlwind of all. I planned my wedding in five months while applying for jobs and doing some traveling. The wedding is over and I am sad. Really sad at the fact that the best day ever is over. But I have to remember, there are going to be lots of best days ever in my life. Hearing I was cancer free on my birthday, was the best day ever!! Singing at Broadway Lights the Night was the best day ever! Every time we walk with friends at Light the Night-- the best days ever.
I can't change the past, no matter how often and much I really, really want to. Having cancer has taught me a lot of things, one of them being to live every day. Keep moving forward. LIVE!
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