Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fundraising Ideas #1 and #2

If you're new to this blog, welcome and feel free to say hello!

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with two New Jersey Light the Night representatives and got some fantastic ideas for fundraising this year. In one month, my team raised over $8,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and I hope we will be able to raise just as much--or more--since I am beginning to fund-raise much earlier this year.

I've been posting on Facebook in a new Team Gillybean group I created a couple weeks ago. Here is the link:

My first ideas for fundraising:

Yankee Candle fundraising is new to me, but Team Gillybean/LLS will get 40% of the profit! That is a great deal! I have 10 seller packets, if you would like to help sell IN PERSON, otherwise, please use the link and don't forget to use our 
GROUP NUMBER: 99006317.
In-person fundraising ends April 14th, but it looks like online will continue through July.

Deadlines: Order by March 21st for Easter and April 11th for Mother's Day

And for my fundraising idea #3: Would anyone buy Jelly Belly jelly beans for Easter from me? I am thinking of ordering boxes of 10 flavors each, sell for $10 a box. If there is enough interest, I will do it! 

Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You really thought things through with regard to the fundraising. The ideas look well planned and detailed. I'm sure it would be a spectacular success, once you get to launch one or both of them. I guess, it also helps if you have a great advocacy, like yours. More power to you and your projects!

    Norman Watkins @ Giving Works
